KIHA’s Weatherization/Renovations Program provides repairs and upgrades to homes that have health, safety, and/or energy efficiency issues. This program is for American Indian and Alaska Native applicants only. Examples of improvements are: weather stripping and caulking, new doors, windows, heating systems, siding, or roofing. Accessibility improvements are also eligible. All improvements are made at no cost to the homeowner. If your home is overdue for repairs, don’t wait to apply!
KIHA offers other home improvement options by partnering with Alaska Housing Finance Corporation. AHFC’s programs are not reserved for AIAN households. For more information, visit the Loan Origination section of our Homebuyer Opportunities Page.
KIHA’s Homeowner Assistance Fund Program offers up to $20,000 in assistance to AIAN homeowners in Kodiak when home repairs are necessary to maintain the habitability of the home and prevent homeowner displacement. If you are at risk of being displaced from your home due to its condition or you are a senior resident who needs modifications in order to continue occupying your home, apply for KIHA’s HAF Program now.