KIHA follows a standard process for questions, complaints, and comments from the public. Housing issues are routed to the Housing Department, repair requests go to the Facilities Department, finance questions go to the Finance Department, etc. Allowing certain people to “skip the process” by presenting their question or concern directly to the Senior Accountant, Facilities Director, Executive Director, etc. violates KIHA policy and undermines staff authority. More importantly, showing preferential treatment in this way goes against KIHA’s value (of equity and treating everyone with dignity and respect).
A word about call backs — KIHA is a relatively small organization that does a lot. This means that staff fulfill many roles and are kept busy throughout the day. By taking a detailed message and having a staff member call you back, we ensure that: 1. The correct staff member follows up 2. They have had time to gather helpful information on your dilemma and 3. When they call, you will have their full attention.
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